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Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011: The Year of the Pedophile

After giving it careful consideration I've come to the conclusion that 2011 was the year of the pedophile.  It has become common place to have the yearly reports of teachers having sex with students, but those are rather low profile news stories.  This year we had not one but four high profile cases of  men engaging in extra curricular activities with children.  Truly an exciting time to be alive.

I'm having the best year EVER!
  The most recent comes to us from my very own state of New Jersey.  Allegedly Mr. Patrick Lott videotaped boy showering at the Immaculata High School for nearly three years.  I have to believe this will not look kindly on Mr. Lott come review time, thankfully for him I don't believe the NJEA has moved on yet to merit based pay.

Bill Conlin, who used to be a Phillies beat writer, have been accused by currently seven people (6 girls and 1 boy) of sexual molesting them when they were children.  His alleged foray into pedophilia took place in the 70s and because of the statute of limitations on these reported crimes he cannot be charged.  The fat man can live peacefully in relative anonymity in Florida, even if he is 100% guilty.

Syracuse assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine was accused by three men of molesting them.  One of the men even called Mr. Fine's wife to confronted her about his behavior, thankfully that brave woman said she knew about it all along and "felt powerless to stop it".  It is a shame that there isn't a group of people out there whose job it is to protect and serve the people that she could have called.  Though he has since lost his job, he too cannot be prosecuted thanks to the mind boggling statute of limitations for these crimes.

As disgusting as these three men are, none of them can hold a candle to the Granddaddy of child molestation, Jerry Sandusky.  At this point we all know about the over 20 men that have come out to accuse Sandusky, as well as what he has been accused of doing (mainly "soap fights") so I won't bore you with details.  If convicted, and the evidence against him is staggering, he would spend the rest of his life in prison, where hopefully the inmates there will engage in the roughest of "soap fights" with him on a regular basis.

So there you have it, 2011 was the year of the pedophile.  Not exactly a great time to be a young boy but life can't be all video games and action figures, sometimes it's a pain in the ass.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Keep Christ in "Jesus Christ Enough!"

Allow me to start by saying I cannot hate the saying "Keep Christ in Christmas" more than I already do.  I would love to know where that saying originated so I can set that person's house on fire by putting too many lights on a dry Douglas-fir.  First off, who's the audience?  Is this directed at other Christians?  What exactly does it mean to not have Christ in Christmas?

If this is directed at other Christians than I'm left to assume it means return the presents you bought, throw out your Christmas Tree and take down your lights.  After all, those are all gaudy, materialistic, paganesque totems that have nothing to do with Jesus Christ.  The winter solstice has no place when celebrating the birth of the lord on a day that technically isn't when he was born anyway.

Baby Jesus is weeping
Is this directed at those that ask that you think for a minute that maybe, just maybe, there are people out there that don't celebrate Christmas so perhaps every so often you should think about saying "Happy Holidays" instead so as not to seem like a self centered twat?  This is Christmas time gosh darn it and I'm going to keep Christ in my heart and in this time of year so Merry Christmas! 

Maybe a different one, is that okay with you prick?
Perhaps the saying is direct at those that are persecuting Christians?  Well that can't be right because who the fuck has persecuted a Christian in the last few hundred years?  I guess when you've been on top for so long you start getting antsy and look around for shit that isn't there.  No one is keeping you from celebrating Christmas in any fashion you want.  The only thing asked of you is to keep shit away from government buildings, and that has more to do with the separation of church and state (it's in the constitution so deal with it).

Keep baby Jesus away from my courthouse
The more I think about it the more I realize I don't care who the saying is directed to.  The saying is condescending, ignorant and even hypocritical.  Can't we all just enjoy the HOLIDAY season without pointing fingers and starting shit?

Laugh it up fuzzball

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sometimes It Is Just "Merry Christmas"

I was born Jewish and married a Catholic and if you asked me what my beliefs are I'd tell you I am agnostic.  The time between Thanksgiving and New Years was always difficult for me growing up because Hanukkah is the Mets and Christmas is the Yankees.  If you're not familiar with the baseball analogy basically Hanukkah sucks and Christmas is in the playoffs every year.

I wish I was relevant

This will be my eighth Christmas this year, which means I spent 21 years dealing with the jealousy and anger of watching what seemed like the entire world celebrate something I was excluded from.  I hated Christmas commercials, music, lights, trees, etc.  If I was honest with myself I would've admitted that I really didn't hate all that, I just wanted all that for myself.

Feel the excitement!
You'd think I'd be all for the "Happy Holiday" sentiment that all are forced to say instead of "Merry Christmas" and sometimes I am, but sometimes it makes no fraking sense.  You see a commercial; the scene is a family room decked with garland and a beautiful glittering Christmas tree.  Stockings are lined perfectly above the fire place and a plate of cookies with a glass of milk are waiting for you know who.  After Dad gives Mom earrings (he went to Jared!) the commercial ends with "Happy Holidays".

It doesn't make any sense and it's stupid.  At that point just say "Merry Christmas" and lets move on to the next commercial.  Congrats to all the over sensitive pricks who made that possible, to those that complained to the point where shit that is really straight forward doesn't make any sense. 

You're fucking Santa!  You're clearly all about Christmas!
"Happy Holidays" makes sense when you're shopping because unless you're purchasing a Santa suit you really could be celebrating anything really.  It is a nice way to make sure no one is left out around this time of year.  The problem is now it has become the de facto phrase even when logic would tell you otherwise.

We are politically correct in this country to the point of absurdity.  Sometimes the proper thing to say is "Merry Christmas" and we should leave it at that. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Occupy Wall Street

What is the endgame people?  At what point do we pack up the bags and signs and call it a day?  It wasn't so long ago that I completely agreed with what this movement represented and now I'm not so sure.

I sit here and read about the celebrations regarding the two month anniversary of the protests and I'm at a loss to find one thing that has changed since this began.  What exactly was supposed to change?  If you ask 25 people what Occupy Wall Street is about I'm willing to bet you'd get a good number of different answers.  Shit I'm not 100% I know what they're trying to do.

There is a noticeable lack of direction, though you may disagree with me on that.  The Tea Party are a bunch of fucking maniacs who compare Obama to Adolf Hitler but at least they had some direction.  I'd like to kick Palin in her cooter too but I digress.  You do realize that by Occupying Wall Street you're fucking over hard working honest people who are part of the 99% you're trying to represent, right?

There are no demands, there is no endgame, there is no battle plan.  Your lack of direction lose you credibility and supporters.  How can you protest without a clear concise message and direction for change?

I'm part of the 99% that doesn't want the current 99% representing me. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Gobble Gobble Motherfucker

I like Christmas as much as the next guy that married into the holiday only to realize that it was 100x better than what he had been celebrating previously.  With that being said, I hate the fact that every year the Christmas season seems to start earlier and earlier.  I hate it even more so because of my love of Thanksgiving which is completely overshadowed by mistletoe and midgets in pointy shoes (elves if you want to be PC).

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, a holiday of good food, family and football. The only way you could possible dislike this holiday is if your ancestors were systematically slaughtered and relegated to reservations, but even on the first Thanksgiving we all got along, right?  Sadly, Thanksgiving seems to have been relegated to the Phantom Menace to Christmas' Empire Strikes Back, a sad prequel to awesomeness. 

When I was a child Christmas didn't get into full swing until the fat man bringing up the rear at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Ho Ho Ho'd.  Now I saw my first Christmas commercial November 1st.  It's too soon!  Every holiday must have its time in the sun.  How can we as a nation be so ready to overlook a holiday that encourages sitting on the couch with your pants undone, because you ate so much food, with a beer in your hand watching football? 

It is an outrage and I will not take this lying down.  It is time for us to reclaim the month of November in the name of Thanksgiving!  Who's with me?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why Do I Watch Sports?

After I finished throwing a tantrum over the outcome of the Jets game and calmed down (with the help of Jack Daniels) I asked myself "why do I watch sports?".  It is a valid question considering the amount of anger, frustration, disappointment, loss, hurt, etc. sports in general have caused me throughout my 29 years of life (well not the full 29 considering I wasn't pulled from the womb in sports gear).

In order of insane fandom I follow the Jets, Yankees, Knicks & Rangers (the Knicks and Rangers are tied).  Out of those four teams I have have seen the Rangers win the cup once in '94 and the Yankees win 5 World Series titles.  The Jets have gotten to the AFC championship 3 times and 2 of those times have come in the last two years.  The Knicks last bit of prominence was in 2000 when they lost to the Spurs in the Finals, they have since gotten the excitement back in MSG since 'Melo and Stat joined the team this past season. 

All in all you can make the argument that the Yankees have more than made up for the ineptitude of the Jets and Knicks, and even lean years the Rangers had when they enjoyed signing over the hill big name players (I'm looking at you Lindros!).  However, one team cannot make up for the shortfalls of the others, so again I'm left with the question "why do I watch sports?".  Amazingly enough it didn't take my brain long to come up with an answer.

I watch for those magic moments...

I watch for Messier holding that cup after promising we'd beat the Devils and then finishing off the Canucks
I watch for the improbable way the ball bounced off the back of the rim and in
I watch for Jumbo Elliot capping off the Monday Night Miracle
I watch for The Captain and "The Flip"
So in the end, even though my sports teams have caused me grief, anguish and misery...they've also caused me joy.  I watch and we all watch, because at any moment we might see a moment.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

90s Nostalgia with the X-Men

I recently decided to embark on a trip to memory lane courtesy of Netflix streaming.  I watched all 5 seasons (76 episodes) of the 90s X-Men cartoon.  The show aired from 1992 to 1997 and when it came out this 10 year old was glued to the TV.

I still remember when Night of the Sentinels first aired, Pizza Hut did a big promotion for the TV show and I made my parents take me to the only one near our house which was in Canarsie, NY (I lived in Brooklyn at the time the show came out).  I got a cup and a VHS tape out of that trip.  It was with that childlike enthusiasm that I sat down to watch the entirety of the X-Men series. 

 The series has aged, not terribly, but it has.  Everything is bright 90s blues, pinks and yellows.  The voice acting is shaky at times but not terrible and they didn't use the same cells for multiple scenes which the Spider-Man cartoon that aired at the same time did constantly.

When guys my age bring up the X-Men cartoon almostthirty they generally have one thing that drives them nuts.

Jubilee, with the power to shoot sparklers from her fingers!  Quake in fear Mister Sinister.  Shit your pants Juggernaut.  Fly into the sun Dark Phoenix.  As entirely unnecessary as she was, I honestly don't feel she was the worst part of the show.  A good portion of the action didn't even involve her because they left her whiny ass at home.  The character that really annoyed me might surprise you.

The character that really drove me nuts was Storm.  I know part of her character trait is that she at one time believed she was a Goddess which sort of explains the one thing about her that drove me nuts, but holy shit was it played up in this show.  Every single time she used her powers she had to explain to you what she was doing.  "Wind and rain heed my call!" "Arctic winds I command thee!" "Lightning come forth and strike this menace down!"  Holy shit enough already!

A few more quick observations:  I'm pretty sure Gambit was willing to die to get with Rogue just once, and with the way they drew her, I know every boy was right there with him (myself included).  Why did Gambit, Jean & Cyclops have that weird like hood type thing that covered the back of their head went around their forehead and left the top of their head and face open?  The voice of Wolverine will always be the voice I hear when I read a comic with him in it.  Morph was more of a waste then Jubilee.

With all that being said it was a damn fine cartoon and a wonderful trip down memory lane.  Sometimes when you decide to feed the nostalgia bug you're left disappointed, it is so hard for things to be as good as you remember them to be.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

How Could I Forget? I Can't.

We are nearing the 10th anniversary of 9/11. The attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, as well as the sacrifice of those on Flight 93 won't soon be forgotten. Soon, if they haven't already, our TVs will be inundated with specials surrounding the tragedy of that day. We will be subjected to image after image of that day. A burning tower. People running. People screaming.

I wish that wasn't the case. I wish that we can take a step back and instead celebrate the Twin Towers with specials surrounding its construction. Perhaps a documentary about the heroes that risked life and limb to save strangers. Retrospectives on those that lost their lives that day and interviews with their families. I cannot be the only one that would prefer these specials over images of horror.  

"But how can we be sure that we will never forget unless we relive that day every single year on the anniversary?"

Who can forget that day? I don't think I've met anyone that cannot tell you where they were, what they were doing, or how they felt on that day. I still get a very visceral reaction whenever I see the images or videos of that day. I think that we need at some point to move beyond the reliving.

I'll never forget, but please don't make me relive it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Up, Up and Get That Shit Away from Me

By now you may have heard that Zack Snyder (300, The Watchmen, Sucker Punch) is directing the new Superman movie titled Man of Steel. What you might not have seen yet is the new costume. A picture was released not that long ago, but it was a stylized and polished piece of PR. Recently, today, a few new pictures surfaced of the man of steel in action on the set of the new movie. The costume is...ummm...well see for yourself.
Awful ain't it? I'm trying very hard not to be one of those people who get all up in arms when a beloved piece of their childhood is remade and it doesn't look exactly how they remember it. These people get all up in arms and fill the blogosphere with inane ramblings about how Hollywood or Director X is raping their childhood. I want to believe I hate the costume because it is just ugly, but if I'm honest with myself I hate the costume because it isn't the Superman I grew up with.
Recently I had to stop myself from losing my mind over them changing Spider-Man's costume. I decided that even though I don't like what they did with it either that I would let it slide because they brought back the mechanical web shooters.
However, if I'm being honest with myself, I really fucking hate it because it isn't the Spider-Man I grew up with.
Which makes me wonder why these costumes had to be changed in the first place. I don't want to want to ask this question but I desperately want to ask this question. Why did they have to change something as iconic as the red and blue with Superman or the pattern of Spider-Man's costume? I understand they are rebooting franchises and trying to bring in younger viewers, but why do that at the risk of alienating those that have grown up with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and the man of steel? I realize that things weren't necessarily better when I was a kid, but we aren't talking about 20 year old properties here. Spider-Man's first appearance was in 1962 and Superman's was in 1938. Sometimes change is good, necessary even but don't change shit just for the sake of it. I'll reserve judgement of the movies until I see them, but I'm going to fucking hate those costumes until then.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Return to Whedonverse

I love Netflix streaming. I’m aware that love of Netflix isn’t popular currently but there, I said it. The reason I love Netflix is because it opened up the Whedonverse to me. I have spent countless hours in the magical Whedonverse. I popped my Whedon cherry on Buffy and haven’t looked back since.

From Buffy I moved on to Angel, mainly because I was fairly certain Spike was resurrected on that show in its final season. Angel didn’t move me in the same way that Buffy did, when characters died in Buffy it actually stung for me, I felt a loss knowing they were gone. That isn’t to say that Doyle sacrificing himself didn’t leave me going “Whaaaa” or that the loss of Fred still doesn’t make me sad.

From Angel came Firefly and with it Serenity. I really enjoyed that show even though I knew going in that it was prematurely cancelled by television execs that would rather continue to air tripe like Two and a Half Men. I’m a better person for having become a Browncoat and for knowing Wash, even if he was cut down too soon. After Serenity I took a break from the Whedonverse, nursing my wounds from the many heartbreaking deaths that Joss Whedon feels necessary to bestow upon his creations.

During my sabbatical I immersed myself in Battlestar Galactica, and not the Dirk Benedict one (he’ll always be Faceman to me). I loved that FRAK out of that show! BSG was full jaw dropping deaths that you didn’t see coming (Dee what were you thinking!?) and from beginning to end I found myself totally enthralled with the crew of the Battlestar Galactica. Like all good things this too ended and I was left wondering where to go from here. So, I returned to the Whedonverse.

I am now two episodes into Dollhouse and already really enjoying myself. I knew that Eliza “Faith” Dushku was the star but I had no idea Tahmoh “Helo” Penikett was also in it. My two worlds have collided! I know I’m setting myself up for disaster. I know that the show was cut down too soon and I just know that someone is going to be killed that will leave me going “What?! No!” but I also know it’ll be worth the ride.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Love to Hate

Hate is an integral part of being a sports fan. As much as we love our team, we hate other teams, players and cities almost as much. Lovers of hate got a present last night when LeBron and the Heat lost the NBA Finals to the Dallas Mavericks. I am not a Dallas Mavericks fan, I'm actually New York Knicks fan, but I have to say the outcome of this finals made my day and I know I'm not the only one.

I cannot recall the last time I hatred of a team has been so palpable. I hate my fair share of teams (Red Sox, Patriots, Devils, etc) but those are based off my loyalty to teams that are their direct rivals. Hell, I've hated the Heat long before James was even in the league thanks to the great Knicks/Heat games of the late 90s. However, the hatred of the Heat transcends all normal sports hatred criteria. If you don't know why that is then let me remind you.

As a New York Yankee fan I'm well acquainted with those who blindly hate my team. The Yankees win more than any one else, they spend more than any one else, and more often they are better than any one else. Those are all reasons for nationwide hatred of a team. The difference between the Yankees and the Miami Heat is the reason why the hatred for the two is different.

As with the above picture, the Miami Heat acted in June like a championship was a foregone conclusion. They were cocky before they had anything to be cocky about. Call me crazy but I think it might've rubbed the other 29 teams and their fan bases the wrong way. Then there is the hatred the James brought with him.

The Decision might go down in history as the worst PR move ever. Yes there were many teams that wanted James and yes some of that hatred is based off a feeling of being spurned, but you cannot argue that the way he left Cleveland was just stone cold. Also, the idea that a self proclaimed king would choose to join a "super team" rubbed a lot of the all-time greats the wrong way. James wasn't just chastised by 29 other fan bases, now he was being chastised by the greats he idolized.

I'm not a sports reporter (obviously) but I have to believe that for some this championship will be remembered more by how the Heat lost and less how the Mavs won. And those of us who love to hate tip our caps to the Dallas Mavericks for giving us more fuel to our Heat hating fire. Hopefully next season the Heat will remember that you don't start the season by celebrating, you do what the Mavs did and end the season that way.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Die Hard 2 Theory

"A sequel to an iconic movie will always pale in comparison to the original when compared, even if said sequel is a solid movie in its own right"

Die Hard 2 is a really good movie if you take it as a one off action film, the only problem is you can't. Here is John McClane again, and it is even Christmas again, a man alone fending off terrorists. They take McClane out of LA and out of the cramped Nakatomi Plaza and put him in DC at Washington Dulles International Airport, brilliant! It is a good movie, but it isn't a great movie for all the reasons that made the first one great.

I'm not sure when I came up with my "Die Hard 2 Theory" considering I was 8 when it was released, but regardless, the theory stands true. The impetus to share this theory with all 3 of my readers came after going to see The Hangover Part II with my sister. The movie as a whole was good but I could not stop thinking about the original while watching it.

What made the original so great was the novelty of the idea (if you disregard the fact that the premise of waking up and not knowing what happened the night before was done earlier in the movie Dude, Where's my Car), a bunch of guys at a bachelor party wake up with no clue as to what happened the night before and the groom is missing, shenanigans ensue! Alan was a brand new character and every idiotic thing he said was hilarious because we had never seen a character quite like him. All the things that made The Hangover great are all the things that made The Hangover Part II just okay.

If The Hangover Part III is inevitable, and I believe it has already been announced as happening, I only hope that it continues down the Die Hard route. Die Hard with a Vengeance, while still not as good as the original, was far superior from Die Hard 2. What the third installment did right was it took the character you knew and loved and didn't just throw him in a similar situation, but took him someplace new (and don't say The Hangover Part II did that just because they went from Vegas to Thailand).

In conclusion, if you liked The Hangover you'll probably enjoy The Hangover Part II, but it won't thrill you like the first one did. Oh and enjoy your summer of sequels!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Or, imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware.

Delaware, or as I like to call it "Hey, were we just in Delaware?", is a magical state that I have never wanted to spend more than a few minutes in. It has been nothing more than a means to an end, that end being every other state worth visiting that you have to drive through Delaware to get to because you live in New Jersey. I had the good fortune of spending a few days in the armpit of America thanks to my brother-in-law.

Until I met my brother-in-law's girlfriend (now wife) I had no idea people lived in Delaware. Sure, I'd seen license plates for Delaware but I never actually knew anyone that lived there, was born there, or would admit to either. His wedding was this Saturday, so Lauren and I drove down Friday late morning (we had rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner on Friday).

As I sat down to make fun of Delaware I figured at least let me see if anyone famous was from Delaware or if there were any interesting fun facts. People of note from Delaware include, but are not limited to: the Shue siblings, Valerie Bertinelli, Henry Heimlich, Sugar Ray Leonard and not much more. Delaware boasts itself as The First State, and the state bug is the lady bug. Fascinating!

The wedding itself was lovely but there was literally nothing to do within the 10 square miles that make up the state, and yes I might be exaggerating on its size. I'm not sure how every person who lives there isn't an alcoholic because when I wasn't doing wedding related activities that required sobriety, I was pretty much drinking and/or drunk.

What more can I say? Wedding was fun but the state sucks. If you need further proof then allow me to fill you in on the origin of the state's name. Delaware was named for Lord de la Warr; he was the first governor of Virginia. That's right, they named the state for the governor of another state.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Code

Don't let anyone fool you, guy code exists. As far as I know this mysterious code is not written anywhere, but the various rules are for the most part engraved into our subconscious. You follow the code or you get burned by your buddies, those are the rules, sadly I was witness to the breaking of the code first hand.

Without naming names or providing details, I was privy to a guy texting his wife the various happenings of our guy's night as they were happening. Now if any women are reading this (lets be honest, if ANYONE is reading this) what this man did was wrong. Wives/girlfriends, we love you (or like you) but there are some things you will never know, some things you should never know, and this is true no matter how transparent your relationship with your guy is.

When the women returned from their girl's night out, naturally the two groups collided. The men, myself included, were shocked to find out that the happenings of our sacred evening were being divulged by a mole within our midst. As of this morning I have yet to decide whether this indiscretion is worse then the guy code infraction of banging your buddy's ex without first asking him if it is cool to even go out with her.

Thankfully because we have all been friends for so long this blatant breaking of guy code was resolved with good humor and well placed jokes at the violators expense. It also has hopefully taught as a valuable lesson, next time we all get together, someone needs to take his god damn cell phone away from him.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Today's Generation Sucks

After watching the movie Crank I originally was going to write a piece on the death of writing in movie making. I was going to say that a place must exist for movies like Crank because a sequel exists, meaning it must have brought in a good amount of money. I planned to further go on and say how I had to believe the script for Crank, if a script actually even existed, must have been written in the span of a few hours on a Big Mac box. However, I finally reached a point in my brainstorming when I realized movies like Crank exist for only one reason, today's generation sucks.

The generation I mean when I say "today" is the generation that has always had a cell phone, doesn't know what a floppy disc is, can't recall a time when the internet didn't exist and believe Katy Perry and Ke$ha make great songs. This generation that demands instantaneous gratification and have the attention span of fleas are the demographic that Hollywood panders to, which is why we get an "action" movie like Crank.

I say "action" because when I think of an actual action movie I think of Die Hard, Rambo, Indiana Jones, etc. I think of movies that are not just filled with action, stunts and excitement, but movies that actually have some sort of story. I've played video games that had more of a story than Crank.

I don't care that this makes me sound like an old man, because it is all true. Today's generation is responsible for Stephenie Meyer being a famous author, and yes I had to look up her name on IMDB and yes this is how I found out that she named her main character Bella Swan. Seriously though, this is all these damn kids fault.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Super Bowl or Bust

Rex Ryan has stated that the goal for him and the New York Jets is to win a Super Bowl. He said it right from the start, perhaps it was what made it so easy for us Jets fans to fall in love with him. This "Super Bowl or Bust" attitude has led to many chiding him for his bravado and even claiming that such talk is putting unnecessary pressure on his players. I couldn't disagree more.

I have been a Jets fan for as long as I can remember. I also remember a time when just finishing without a losing record was a time to celebrate. That isn't the case anymore. Rex Ryan has ushered in a new culture to the team and its fans. No longer is just finishing 8-8 or better a cause for celebration. No longer can we say that we don't care what the outcome of the playoff game is, we're just happy we made it. We want that trophy, we want what has eluded this organization for 41 years, and anything less would be failure.

I laugh when people say that this mentality is putting unnecessary pressure on the team. Since when is setting your eyes on the ultimate goal unnecessary pressure? I would be disappointed if any player on that team hasn't dreamed of hoisting the Lombardi Trophy. This is what it should be, as fans we should be upset if today's game against the Colts ends our season because being upset means we have finally had dreams of something greater for our Jets.

Win or lose I'll still love this team. I'll still watch all the games and I'll jump and thrash about my home. I expect them to beat the Colts and I believe they're good enough to win a Super Bowl. There is a new culture in place and it's finally Super Bowl or Bust.