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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy Occupy Wall Street

What is the endgame people?  At what point do we pack up the bags and signs and call it a day?  It wasn't so long ago that I completely agreed with what this movement represented and now I'm not so sure.

I sit here and read about the celebrations regarding the two month anniversary of the protests and I'm at a loss to find one thing that has changed since this began.  What exactly was supposed to change?  If you ask 25 people what Occupy Wall Street is about I'm willing to bet you'd get a good number of different answers.  Shit I'm not 100% I know what they're trying to do.

There is a noticeable lack of direction, though you may disagree with me on that.  The Tea Party are a bunch of fucking maniacs who compare Obama to Adolf Hitler but at least they had some direction.  I'd like to kick Palin in her cooter too but I digress.  You do realize that by Occupying Wall Street you're fucking over hard working honest people who are part of the 99% you're trying to represent, right?

There are no demands, there is no endgame, there is no battle plan.  Your lack of direction lose you credibility and supporters.  How can you protest without a clear concise message and direction for change?

I'm part of the 99% that doesn't want the current 99% representing me. 

1 comment:

  1. once again, minutes of my life that I will never get back.
