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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Agent Coulson Should've Stayed Dead

Agent Coulson should have stayed dead.  Back when the Avengers came out I never thought I would have said that, but I realize now that by resurrecting him for Agents of SHIELD it completely sullied what his death meant.  Considering I'm still not over Fred dying in Angel or Wash dying in Firefly this revelation of mine is a pretty big deal.

Agent Coulson's death in the Avengers was the push that the very separate heroes needed to come together to as a team.  It was a heroes death, he didn't get sliced in half like Anya in an almost blink and you'll miss it moment.  Not only that, but by bringing him back it sullies the impact that a character's death should have, something comic books generally fail to realize. 

It is surprising to me that someone like Joss Whedon wouldn't realize that bringing someone back from the dead would cheapen the impact of the death.  As I've already mentioned, this is the man that is responsible for deaths of characters that I still have not gotten over and it has been years.  The death of Coulson in the Avengers put a dose of realism into a movie about thunder gods and gamma irradiated scientists.  The heroes can win but sometimes it comes with a cost, now that Coulson is back, that cost doesn't exist.

It is still possible that Agents of SHIELD will make this mistake worthwhile (it won't), a hook or a twist that will make me change my mind (I doubt it), but right now I can't help but wish that the last time we saw Agent Coulson he was slowly bleeding out.

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