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Saturday, March 22, 2014

In The Doghouse

Michael Vick, the Don King of dog fighting, is now a New York Jet.  I'll be honest, I have mixed feelings about this marriage. 

From a football standpoint if he can stay healthy and all the planets align he might actually help Geno mature on the field and can help out at a position that has been lacking on the Jets since Testaverde left.  A lot can go wrong but for once the Jets have a viable option at QB...maybe.

From a human side I don't like it all that much.  I love animals, I love animals more than people and what he did is disgusting and unforgivable but at some a man has paid for his crimes, right? Granted depending on where you live paying for your crimes means dying (am I right Texas?) but Vick has served his time and has, unlike many, many people, actually turned his life around. 

We're used to seeing football players get into trouble with the law and have it become a repeatable issue: carrying illegal weapons, drug possession, shootings, DUIs, vehicular manslaughter, spousal abuse, murder, etc.  And as completely disgusting as his actions were, he hasn't run into any trouble since.  You can argue that he is a role model for turning your life around after making mistakes.

Now some "fans" have decided that they can no longer root for the Jets because Michael Vick is on the team, and whatever, if you're the type of person who can stop rooting for a team that easily I'm fine with you no longer being a fan of my team.  And if you don't root for a team with questionable characters I suggest you stop rooting for any team in any sport.

So while I'm not going to run out and buy my dog a Vick Jets' jersey, I'm not going to burn all my jerseys either.  Hopefully this will be good for the team in the long run and to be honest that's all I give a damn about...but I still don't like it very much.

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