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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Agents of Y.A.W.N.

I want to love Agents of SHIELD, I really do.  I was super excited for the show when it was first announced and even more excited to know that Joss Whedon would be at the helm.  Sadly, the show has failed to live up to the hype that surrounded it prior to its release.

I have watched every episode of this show, including the most recent episode that was said to shed some light on how Agent Coulson was murdered by Loki in The Avengers yet somehow was starring in the show.  So in the eleventh episode we finally found out how Agent Coulson survived and it was not really worth the wait.  I watched 11 hours worth of television to find out how Agent Coulson survived and now that I know I should have just made something up cause it would have been more interesting.

My trust in Joss Whedon has taken a major hit.  I would gladly trade you Agents of SHIELD for a few more episodes of Firefly, hell I'd trade you Agents of SHIELD for a Dollhouse TV movie.  Unfortunately that isn't a deal I or anyone else can make, ABC has shelled out a lot of cash for this TV show (as evident by some of the CGI work) that we're getting at least one more season but hell maybe that's a good thing.

It is entirely possible that the entire first season will just end up being one big growing pain and come season two it'll take off like a bat out of hell, minus Meatloaf.  If that's the case, I'll be happy for it because I love Marvel and I'm a big fan of Joss' work but I'm not holding my breath.  ABC looks to be sticking with the show, I just wish FOX would've done the same all those years ago...sigh.  Browncoats Unite!


  1. Good news, your faith in Joss can be restored. Aside from directing and co-writing the pilot, the show has been run by Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen.

    1. That is good news but with those writers involved I still expect better
