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Sunday, March 21, 2010

It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times?!

How lucky you are to have stumbled upon my very first blog post. Allow me to start off by saying this blog is not for the easily offended, mainly because one of my hobbies is to offend people. As of right now I don't foresee any structure to this blog, so be prepared to just read about whatever happens to be on my mind.

Do you ever want to intentionally t-bone someone with your car? I really enjoy driving but I cannot stand every other person on the road. If you think you can talk on your cell phone, take a bite of your muffin, load a new DVD in for your brats in the backseat and still drive perfectly fine you're wrong, you can't. Honestly, I want to pull you from your car and hit you in front of your children.

Well I think that is a wonderful jumping off point for my very first blog. Probably will lose a couple of possible readers right off the bat. Bonus points to anyone who recognizes the title to my first blog.

1 comment:

  1. it's from the simpsons - which i only found thanks to the internet. also, there is a website called itwastheblurstoftimes.com - thought you might enjoy knowing that. :)

    p.s. i should get bonus points for being your first commenter!
