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Saturday, December 28, 2013

I'm Back...Sorry

I told myself that when I got a new laptop I would take blogging back up again.  My apologies to all since this blog is pretty much mental masturbation and nothing more.  It gives me an opportunity to write, which I do enjoy doing, and also voice whatever the hell is on my mind at any given time.

The last time I wrote a blog I was getting ready to build a crib for my not yet born little girl.  Needless to say that was a long time ago, nearly a full calendar year, and a few things have happened since then.  I think the biggest thing that has happened is that the crib has been occupied by my daughter now for nearly 9 months.

I'm writing this instead of cleaning the kitchen floor.  She went down for a nap about an hour ago now and I had no way of knowing she'd be sleeping this long.  And as I write this sentence the damn phone rung and woke her up.

You can thank the bullshit card services phone call for my not going into detail about how much I love my daughter and how rewarding it is to be a dad.  Chances are if you're reading this you are already friends with me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter which means you've already heard me talk about that over and over again anyway. 

In conclusion, I'm back...maybe.  I'd like to write more and spend some more time with this blog.  I got a lot of opinions that no one cares about that I'd love to share in 2014.

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