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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Crib Building and Other Elvis Costello B-Sides

Has everyone who will get the title gotten it yet?  Yes?  Ok, let's move on then.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, it is also the day that my father and I will build my little girl's crib.  I think I'm going to start referring to her as The Oncoming Storm and to hell with anyone that doesn't get that reference.  My dad and I haven't built anything together since I was a teenager so it should be fun.

I've been told by everyone that building a crib is fun, but they generally snicker after saying the word "fun".  I've been told the dreaded allen wrench is a prominent feature in the building of cribs.  I fucking hate allen wrenches.  Generally they're always required for some tight spaced area that you can't see, so you spend your time trying to find the groove so the wrench will fit into the bolt and all you get out of your hard work is one small turn of the screw.  Bloody useless.

In the end obviously it is worth it.  I want my little oncoming storm to have a nice safe and sturdy crib to sleep in, she will after all be the one choosing my nursing home.

As I mentioned before, today is also the Super Bowl, it is footballs Christmas Day.  For the fans of the two teams it is the excitement of Christmas morning.  For the fans of the other teams it is what Christmas is like for Jews, we can enjoy the pretty lights or the game, but we aren't really participating.

I'm a fan of the absolutely horrible New York Jets so I've grown accustomed to just rooting for a good game and generally picking a side so I have some sort of rooting interest.  When the dust settles today I hope the Ravens win.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday everyone!  Now to get this crib building started.