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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fatherhood or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Get Excited

I have been meaning for a long time now to write about one of the biggest things to ever happen in my life, namely, my wife being pregnant and me being a father-to-be. 

At first I thought I would chronicle the milestones, something that I could look back on and read and something my little girl could read as well, once she'd learn to read.  Then my wife mentioned that we should both write something, like a welcome to the world type letter for her, I suppose there is still time to do that.  Finally I thought to myself that I should write a blog and well...here we are.

We're two months away from the big day and as it gets closer the more excited I get.  The little person whose kicks I've felt, whose profile I saw in the sonogram, who I helped create is almost here...and her room is completely not ready for her.  Outside of the farther reaching excitement, there is so much practical shit that needs to get done.

We've got two baby showers coming up, I'm currently sitting in the nursery and nothing has changed in here that would make anyone think we're having a baby.  Things need to be moved, things need to be purchase (hopefully off the registry) for us to be able to put together the room that will go from our extra bedroom into _______'s bedroom. 

Omitting a name above wasn't some clever way to keep people from knowing her name, because I don't know her name.  We have a pretty good idea of what we think her name will be but nothing has been 100% decided upon and well I think we need to get on that too.  It is a big deal to name a person, but it is exciting.

I wasn't always excited, if I'm being honest.  I was terrified at first, and for a few months too.  The idea that I am going to be responsible for another life is just overwhelming.  I'm going to bring this little girl into the world.  I'm going to need to keep her safe, teach her right and wrong and try to help her become the best possible person she can be.  That will be my new full-time job for the rest of my life...it's just crazy to think about.

Bottom line is I'm going to be somebody's daddy and I can't wait to meet her.