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Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011: The Year of the Pedophile

After giving it careful consideration I've come to the conclusion that 2011 was the year of the pedophile.  It has become common place to have the yearly reports of teachers having sex with students, but those are rather low profile news stories.  This year we had not one but four high profile cases of  men engaging in extra curricular activities with children.  Truly an exciting time to be alive.

I'm having the best year EVER!
  The most recent comes to us from my very own state of New Jersey.  Allegedly Mr. Patrick Lott videotaped boy showering at the Immaculata High School for nearly three years.  I have to believe this will not look kindly on Mr. Lott come review time, thankfully for him I don't believe the NJEA has moved on yet to merit based pay.

Bill Conlin, who used to be a Phillies beat writer, have been accused by currently seven people (6 girls and 1 boy) of sexual molesting them when they were children.  His alleged foray into pedophilia took place in the 70s and because of the statute of limitations on these reported crimes he cannot be charged.  The fat man can live peacefully in relative anonymity in Florida, even if he is 100% guilty.

Syracuse assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine was accused by three men of molesting them.  One of the men even called Mr. Fine's wife to confronted her about his behavior, thankfully that brave woman said she knew about it all along and "felt powerless to stop it".  It is a shame that there isn't a group of people out there whose job it is to protect and serve the people that she could have called.  Though he has since lost his job, he too cannot be prosecuted thanks to the mind boggling statute of limitations for these crimes.

As disgusting as these three men are, none of them can hold a candle to the Granddaddy of child molestation, Jerry Sandusky.  At this point we all know about the over 20 men that have come out to accuse Sandusky, as well as what he has been accused of doing (mainly "soap fights") so I won't bore you with details.  If convicted, and the evidence against him is staggering, he would spend the rest of his life in prison, where hopefully the inmates there will engage in the roughest of "soap fights" with him on a regular basis.

So there you have it, 2011 was the year of the pedophile.  Not exactly a great time to be a young boy but life can't be all video games and action figures, sometimes it's a pain in the ass.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Keep Christ in "Jesus Christ Enough!"

Allow me to start by saying I cannot hate the saying "Keep Christ in Christmas" more than I already do.  I would love to know where that saying originated so I can set that person's house on fire by putting too many lights on a dry Douglas-fir.  First off, who's the audience?  Is this directed at other Christians?  What exactly does it mean to not have Christ in Christmas?

If this is directed at other Christians than I'm left to assume it means return the presents you bought, throw out your Christmas Tree and take down your lights.  After all, those are all gaudy, materialistic, paganesque totems that have nothing to do with Jesus Christ.  The winter solstice has no place when celebrating the birth of the lord on a day that technically isn't when he was born anyway.

Baby Jesus is weeping
Is this directed at those that ask that you think for a minute that maybe, just maybe, there are people out there that don't celebrate Christmas so perhaps every so often you should think about saying "Happy Holidays" instead so as not to seem like a self centered twat?  This is Christmas time gosh darn it and I'm going to keep Christ in my heart and in this time of year so Merry Christmas! 

Maybe a different one, is that okay with you prick?
Perhaps the saying is direct at those that are persecuting Christians?  Well that can't be right because who the fuck has persecuted a Christian in the last few hundred years?  I guess when you've been on top for so long you start getting antsy and look around for shit that isn't there.  No one is keeping you from celebrating Christmas in any fashion you want.  The only thing asked of you is to keep shit away from government buildings, and that has more to do with the separation of church and state (it's in the constitution so deal with it).

Keep baby Jesus away from my courthouse
The more I think about it the more I realize I don't care who the saying is directed to.  The saying is condescending, ignorant and even hypocritical.  Can't we all just enjoy the HOLIDAY season without pointing fingers and starting shit?

Laugh it up fuzzball