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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Or, imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware.

Delaware, or as I like to call it "Hey, were we just in Delaware?", is a magical state that I have never wanted to spend more than a few minutes in. It has been nothing more than a means to an end, that end being every other state worth visiting that you have to drive through Delaware to get to because you live in New Jersey. I had the good fortune of spending a few days in the armpit of America thanks to my brother-in-law.

Until I met my brother-in-law's girlfriend (now wife) I had no idea people lived in Delaware. Sure, I'd seen license plates for Delaware but I never actually knew anyone that lived there, was born there, or would admit to either. His wedding was this Saturday, so Lauren and I drove down Friday late morning (we had rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner on Friday).

As I sat down to make fun of Delaware I figured at least let me see if anyone famous was from Delaware or if there were any interesting fun facts. People of note from Delaware include, but are not limited to: the Shue siblings, Valerie Bertinelli, Henry Heimlich, Sugar Ray Leonard and not much more. Delaware boasts itself as The First State, and the state bug is the lady bug. Fascinating!

The wedding itself was lovely but there was literally nothing to do within the 10 square miles that make up the state, and yes I might be exaggerating on its size. I'm not sure how every person who lives there isn't an alcoholic because when I wasn't doing wedding related activities that required sobriety, I was pretty much drinking and/or drunk.

What more can I say? Wedding was fun but the state sucks. If you need further proof then allow me to fill you in on the origin of the state's name. Delaware was named for Lord de la Warr; he was the first governor of Virginia. That's right, they named the state for the governor of another state.