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Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Code

Don't let anyone fool you, guy code exists. As far as I know this mysterious code is not written anywhere, but the various rules are for the most part engraved into our subconscious. You follow the code or you get burned by your buddies, those are the rules, sadly I was witness to the breaking of the code first hand.

Without naming names or providing details, I was privy to a guy texting his wife the various happenings of our guy's night as they were happening. Now if any women are reading this (lets be honest, if ANYONE is reading this) what this man did was wrong. Wives/girlfriends, we love you (or like you) but there are some things you will never know, some things you should never know, and this is true no matter how transparent your relationship with your guy is.

When the women returned from their girl's night out, naturally the two groups collided. The men, myself included, were shocked to find out that the happenings of our sacred evening were being divulged by a mole within our midst. As of this morning I have yet to decide whether this indiscretion is worse then the guy code infraction of banging your buddy's ex without first asking him if it is cool to even go out with her.

Thankfully because we have all been friends for so long this blatant breaking of guy code was resolved with good humor and well placed jokes at the violators expense. It also has hopefully taught as a valuable lesson, next time we all get together, someone needs to take his god damn cell phone away from him.