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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Today's Generation Sucks

After watching the movie Crank I originally was going to write a piece on the death of writing in movie making. I was going to say that a place must exist for movies like Crank because a sequel exists, meaning it must have brought in a good amount of money. I planned to further go on and say how I had to believe the script for Crank, if a script actually even existed, must have been written in the span of a few hours on a Big Mac box. However, I finally reached a point in my brainstorming when I realized movies like Crank exist for only one reason, today's generation sucks.

The generation I mean when I say "today" is the generation that has always had a cell phone, doesn't know what a floppy disc is, can't recall a time when the internet didn't exist and believe Katy Perry and Ke$ha make great songs. This generation that demands instantaneous gratification and have the attention span of fleas are the demographic that Hollywood panders to, which is why we get an "action" movie like Crank.

I say "action" because when I think of an actual action movie I think of Die Hard, Rambo, Indiana Jones, etc. I think of movies that are not just filled with action, stunts and excitement, but movies that actually have some sort of story. I've played video games that had more of a story than Crank.

I don't care that this makes me sound like an old man, because it is all true. Today's generation is responsible for Stephenie Meyer being a famous author, and yes I had to look up her name on IMDB and yes this is how I found out that she named her main character Bella Swan. Seriously though, this is all these damn kids fault.