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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Super Bowl or Bust

Rex Ryan has stated that the goal for him and the New York Jets is to win a Super Bowl. He said it right from the start, perhaps it was what made it so easy for us Jets fans to fall in love with him. This "Super Bowl or Bust" attitude has led to many chiding him for his bravado and even claiming that such talk is putting unnecessary pressure on his players. I couldn't disagree more.

I have been a Jets fan for as long as I can remember. I also remember a time when just finishing without a losing record was a time to celebrate. That isn't the case anymore. Rex Ryan has ushered in a new culture to the team and its fans. No longer is just finishing 8-8 or better a cause for celebration. No longer can we say that we don't care what the outcome of the playoff game is, we're just happy we made it. We want that trophy, we want what has eluded this organization for 41 years, and anything less would be failure.

I laugh when people say that this mentality is putting unnecessary pressure on the team. Since when is setting your eyes on the ultimate goal unnecessary pressure? I would be disappointed if any player on that team hasn't dreamed of hoisting the Lombardi Trophy. This is what it should be, as fans we should be upset if today's game against the Colts ends our season because being upset means we have finally had dreams of something greater for our Jets.

Win or lose I'll still love this team. I'll still watch all the games and I'll jump and thrash about my home. I expect them to beat the Colts and I believe they're good enough to win a Super Bowl. There is a new culture in place and it's finally Super Bowl or Bust.