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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Where have I gone?

So I haven't written a blog in roughly two months, my reason is one I am all too familiar with. This blog met the same fate as every other creative endeavor of mine. It found itself in good company with a half dozen stories and ideas that I started and stopped, all for the same reason.

I always seem to get to a point where I believe all my work will amount to nothing. Where some poeple write just for the joy they get by putting words on a screen, ideas into tangible sentences and paragraphs; my joy snuffed out by the belief that in the end it will all signify nothing.

It is hard, at least for me, to write when you feel as though nothing will come of it. I write a story and stop mid-way and I ask myself "who will end up reading this?", "will anything come of my time spent?", etc. I talk myself out of writing, I talk myself out of something I enjoy.

Hopefully the fact that I have come back to this blog and added a new entry to it, is a sign of change for me. Perhaps I will go back to those unfinished stories and finish them for me. Perhaps no one will read them, perhaps no one will read this, but does that really matter? I don't think it should.