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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sarah Palin & Freedom-Loving Patriots

I like to keep on top of what is going on in the world. I don't sit and read the New York Times daily, but I'll take a gander at CNN when I'm at the gym and read any news story that catches my eye on the internet. Today the NAACP has officially accused the Tea Party of tolerating racism and bigotry. The so-called leader of the Tea Party, the woman who just won't go away aka Sarah Palin, issued a statement yesterday regarding the claims. It was too good not to share with the handful of people who read this...and mock.

"I am saddened by the NAACP’s claim that patriotic Americans who stand up for the United States of America’s Constitutional rights are somehow “racists.” The charge that Tea Party Americans judge people by the color of their skin is false, appalling, and is a regressive and diversionary tactic to change the subject at hand."

Really? "Tea Party Americans" is what we are calling them these days? Points for throwing in the word patriotic at the beginning too. If you don't throw that in there and label yourself as patriotic you can't later claim that it means those who disagree with you are then unpatriotic.

"President Reagan called America’s past racism “a legacy of evil” against which we have seen the long struggle of minority citizens for equal rights. He condemned any sort of racism, as all good and decent people do today. He also called it a “point of pride for all Americans” that as a nation, we have successfully struggled to overcome this evil."

Quick, someone think of the last Republican president that wasn't considered an all around failure! Also let me point out that I was totally unaware that racism ended in the mid 80s.

"I know how Tea Party Americans feel to be falsely accused. To be unjustly accused of association with what Reagan so aptly called that “legacy of evil” is a traumatizing experience, and one of which the honest, freedom-loving patriots of the Tea Party movement are truly undeserving."

I almost gagged when I read "freedom-loving partiots". Also another reminder that racism is over, and we should really not forget that. It has been over for nearly 20 years so I'm not sure why we still bring it up.

"Like President Reagan, Tea Party Americans believe that “the glory of this land has been its capacity for transcending the moral evils of our past.” Isn’t it time we put aside the divisive politics of the past once and for all and celebrate the fact that neither race nor gender is any longer a barrier to achieving success in America – even in achieving the highest office in the land?"

Someone should really tell her we have had a few presidents after Reagan. Maybe 20+ years is far enough in the past to seem sagely but not far enough to seem irrelevant and he is dead so he can't get pissed. Also, this entire organization seems to be rather fond of divisive tactics. I've seen the posters and heard some of the rhetoric, this party appeals to pretty much the lowest common denomintor...oops I mean "freedom-loving partiots".

"I just spent a few beautiful Alaskan days with some beautiful Americans in my husband’s birthplace – they are Todd’s family and they are Yupik Eskimo."

I can't be racist, I have non-white friends! She will be on the GOPs ballot in 2012, and that fact alone makes me believe maybe the Mayans were right.